Community Sport
At Tooting & Mitcham Community Sports club, we provide a range of sporting activities for all ages, abilities and backgrounds for residents and sports groups within our local community.
Kickers & Youth Football
U5s to U9s Kickers Football is an introductory programme which bases its sessions on basic skill development and fitness which is designed to be engaging and enjoyable. Teams train during the week and play matches on Saturday mornings.
U10s to U16s Youth Football teams train on our 3G pitches and play matches on Sundays in the Tandridge League and Surrey Youth Cup. Click the button below to email for more information and apply.

Community Football
Our Community Football service offers a range of football activities for young people, including half-term and summer camps, youth football clubs, and other sporting activities for girls and boys. We provide a safe and fun environment for children to learn and thrive in football, and develop their skills no matter their age or ability. Our staff are experienced and passionate about helping young people reach their potential in the beautiful game. Click the button below to email us for more information.
Walking Football
Tooting & Mitcham United Football Club invite you to come and play WALKING FOOTBALL! Men and women over 50 welcome. We meet on Mondays from 5-6:30 pm from August at TMUFC, Bishopsford Road, Morden, SM4 6BF.
If you're looking to have fun, get fit and meet friends, we welcome you to join us. Click the button below to learn more.